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Iri iri noh.....

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Macam biasa...

I'm back blogging...last weekend i had a nice time with my it was my aunt's wedding. Ramai datang and even dj constan pun datang..hehhehe..funny juga tu urang...This week it is expected to be a busy week as well...Semalam sa katawa saturang dingar tu lagu twinkle twinkle little star versi hindi...hhahahhaha...

Trus sa ada dapat riddle dari kawan sa d kgau....

"Letter after F + Half Of 8 + Shadow of q + Mirror of d + Letter b4 M + Middle of sea + 2 times 19th Letter (tips this letter appear two times) + Middle of Sun"

It took me 5 minutes to answer it...Ketawa kawan sa siapa siapa yang baca blog sa, cuba try test kinam gia ni riddle....siuk.....

Kemarin sia kaC practise to choir d Uni saya...susah noh kopio bila mau handle yang older than you ni..tapi funny tinguk durang ni...hehheheh...Hmmm..apa lagi ah?

Bah skijap lagi sa ada class...Before I request for today is to have God watch over the special person di dalam hati sa for protection...Dia tiada di sini...Tapi nda pa...nokounsikou ginawoku sabab nokorongou tu olidas yauu...May God will always be with her...:) Well bukan saja untuk da tapi untuk kawan kawan yang lain...Sa rindu suda mau spend time sama durang c Kadus and Sis juga.....


Blogger F!oNa said...

adui kama... mimang kin katawa tu twinkle twinkle little star versi hindi hehe :) ...........

kirim salam c dj

3:00 PM  

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