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Iri iri noh.....

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

aiyah..sia kana tagged..

sa kana tagged

aiyah bukan satu urang ja tagged misswencess pun p tagged mula mula p blog si kadus trus p tinguk pla tampat si pun punya scenario sama macam si misswences..mana la sampai 8 unrang..buli ka sa pakai tu kucing kucing d rumah sa...hahhahahah....main buyuk recycle balik la tu list....

ok now the hardest part...mau kaC list....

so this is my list......

The rules are:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time. There is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.(sia copy-paste dari si kaDus pUnya blog ni)<<< sama la..hahhahahah

8 pOintS abOut mY LoVeR**

1. understanding about my life and career
2. caring
3. good communicator as well as listener
4. has to be mature but still know how to have fun
5. open minded
6. slowmental (hihihi sentimental ba)
7. rajin tulung sa di dapur if sa mau masak...hahhahaha...pasal sa suka masak but
malas mau putung putung...hahhahahha....
8. standard is not important

now my turn tu tag

1. Pangazou

2. SunsuRoN(big bOSs GuRitOm)

3. DaveLynne(sis sa & dear c KaDus)

4. jerral (my brother)

5. jasonjay



8. KathLeenHaLena(katH..)

hihihi..sum of them sa tia kanal...macam tu? asih ka tu?

credit to misswences


Blogger markiekadus said...

ekekeke... nice list! wakakakaka... siokkan mentagged urang ni sebnarnya sia pun nda paham apa semua nie...ahaks...

3:33 PM  

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